🪄 Magicam iniuriam facis

Lesson 01: What is Your Favorite Color?

Hi, I’m Mark – and you suck at magic.

Since I have such low hopes for this process, let’s start with something just like you – slow and easy.

Don’t worry about taking notes or trying to memorize anything now; after all, we don’t want to stress that fragile brain of yours in the first lesson. We’re not talking about how color ties in with magic; this is just a very straightforward – as it reads on the tin – question: What is your favorite color?

Color impacts everyone, some more than others, but enough of “everyone” has been shown to be influenced by the colors around them that there’s a whole field of study devoted to Color Psychology. And that, right there, is something that’s a little magical, don’t you think? Wait, why am I asking you?

Color Psychology is a little bit of mainstream magic: I do a thing, and it has a measurable, directly influenced impact on something else.

Ergo, Magic.

I know, I can hear your whining from here… “😢bUt YOu toTaLly SAid wE WEren’T gOiNg to TALk aBOUT HOw CoLOR TIes IN wITh maGIc.😢” Yeah, and we’re still not. I’m trying to show you that magic is more than what you think it is. And color, by simply existing and our eyes seeing it, is a little bit of magic.

So, your first steps on the road to Suckslessville are simple: Reflect on your favorite color and think about how its presence and use have influenced you over the years. Bonus points for extending into the converse and reflecting on how voids of the color have influenced you. Bonus, bonus points for digging even deeper and reflecting on how your favorite color’s opposites and complementaries have influenced you – do those influences line up with mainstream correlations? Do you notice any patterns unique to you and your life? … … Of course you will, because 99% of people interested in real magic also tend to have a completely unrealistic, overinflated view of their own importance in the world universe. And if you happen to be in the other 1%, unlikely as that is, brace yourself – you are entering a world full of people epitomizing big main-character energy.

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