🪄 Magicam iniuriam facis

Let’s Do Something About That

From the looks of you, this is going to be a pretty big hassle for me.  But let's give it the ol' college try anyway, eh? Not that it will likely amount to anything.

Who We Are

We are people who do not suck at magic (or even magick, if that’s better for you).

What this Site is About

[sighs and rubs temples] I mean… I thought that was self-explanatory, but okay — This site is here to help you to suck just a little less at magic.

What People Are Saying

They were right, I really did suck at magic. But after a lot of hard work and tons of practice – well, just look at me now! #angelpower

— John Dee

You might only know me for the handful of books I’ve written, but believe me when I tell you, I never would have been able to write a single one of them if it hadn’t been for learning to not suck at magic. It was the best thing I ever did for myself.

— Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa